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Writing gqueries

Gqueries are in fact stored GQL (Graph Query Languague) procedures that have a key. If a user for example wants to know the total CO2 emissions of an area, they can request ETEngine for the gquery total_co2_emissions and do not have to worry about the underlying intricacies. An overview of all gqueries can be found in this folder.


  • An overview of available GQL functions can be found in the GQL section.
  • Base gqueries are added in the general folder on Github.
  • Other gqueries, for example gqueries used in output_elements, should refer to base gqueries when possible.
  • Base gqueries have a consistent set of base units, for example kg for emissions, MW for capacity and MJ for energy.
  • Base gqueries have a consistent nomenclature: for example type, subtype, sector, subsector, carrier.
  • Base gqueries should have a description.
  • To enhance readability, the preferred indentation style for gqueries is first to indent with 4 spaces, followed by an additional 2 spaces for each subsequent level (see the example below).

Example for final_demand_energetic_industry_steel_wood_pellets:

# Energetic final demand of the 'coal' carrier group in industry steel sector.

- query =
"coal? || coal_gas? || cokes? || lignite?"
- unit = PJ