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On the Demand tab of the ETM you can determine the future demand of:

  • Households
  • Buildings
  • Transportation
  • Industry
  • Agriculture
  • Other
  • Export

This page shortly describes the different demand categories. The percentage displayed under the sector describes the amount of primary energy consumed per sector compared to the total amount of primary energy consumed. If sectors are not present within your scenario area their demand is set to 0%.

Note: Some values in the demand section display ‘useful demand’ compared to ‘final demand’ as the actual technologies used to create energy still have to be determined.

Checkout: the ‘Useful Demand’ infopage for more information.


In the Households section the demand for energy in households is specified. The demand growth of energy and the technology mix that uses this energy can be specified. The focus is on technologies used for heating, insulation, cooking, cooling, lighting and appliances. Additionally, you can adjust the behaviour of inhabitants and specify the decentralized technologies used for heating (such as a heat pump) or electricity (such as roof top solar PV).


The Buildings section contains all non-residential buildings in the services sector. This includes office buildings, schools and hospitals. Similar to the Households section, the focus lies on heating, cooling, ventilation, insulation, lighting and roof top solar PV.


The Transport section contains three sub-sections: Passenger transport, Freight transport and International transport. In the main Transport section you can adjust the efficiency improvements of different transport technologies. In the specific sub-sections you can adjust the type of technology. Emissions from international transport is not accounted for in your scenario but you can adjust this in the international transport sub-section.


The Industry section contains the economic sector 'industry' as well as the energy sector (mining and refining). The industry sector is divided into twelve sub-sectors which are involved with.

  • metal industry (Steel, Aluminum and Other metals)
  • chemical industry (Refineries, Fertilizers, Chemicals)
  • other industry (ICT, Food, Paper, Other)

To alter the demand of each sub-sector you can change the demand for electricity and heat in each sector.

The level of detail of this sector depends on the sub-sector. Only a distinction is made between electricity and heat. There is no distinction between different temperatures of heat required.


In the Agriculture section you can adjust the growth or decline of agricultural heat or electricity demand. Furthermore, you can adjust the technologies used for heating in the agricultural section.


The Other sector contains all energy use not represented in the previous sectors. It differs slightly per region and is usually small. The following items are usually included under the other sector:

  • the construction sector
  • the army
  • the hydrological sector (dams, levies, etc)

In some countries (like the Netherlands), the Other sector in the national energy statistics contains agriculture and the tertiary sector. If these sectors cannot be split from the Other sector it can be a big sector. Generally speaking this is not a preferable situation, because the options for changing demand are limited in the other sector.


The Export section contains all energy export. In this section, the (inflexible) export volumes pertaining several energy carriers can be set. Information regarding the import, export and transit flows of energy carriers can be found here as well. Transit flows represent the quantity of energy per carrier that is imported and exported by the country while not being used by said country. This can cause extra pressure on the country's infrastructure for energy carrier transport or storage. Gaining insights in import, export, and transit flows of energy carriers is useful for energy system and infrastructure planning.