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Saved scenario history

The ETM tracks history for saved scenarios. When a saved scenario is opened, changes are made, and those changes are saved, it is added as a new scenario version to the scenario history. This history can be viewed in My Scenarios. The history includes for each scenario version: the date, the user that saved the changes (relevant when there are multiple users working on a scenario), and, optionally, an added description for the saved changes.

Model versions and scenario versions

The scenario versions in the scenario history are different from the Model versions. Each scenario is made in a specific version of the model, but each scenario can have different versions in its history.

The following actions can be taken in the history overview:

  • Open a specific scenario version: click on a specific version to open the scenario as it was at that point in the history.
  • Edit the description of a scenario version: edit the description for a specific version to explain why or which changes were made.
  • Restore an older scenario version: restore the scenario to a specific version in the history. This means that changes applied after this scenario version will be lost. This action is irreversible. A warning pop-up will appear as an extra precaution for this action.

Roles and rights

Depending on the user's role in a particular scenario (see also Roles), they have different rights concerning the history. This is shown in the following table.

Open a scenario version
Edit description of a scenario version
Restore an older scenario version