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Forecast storage order

Each scenario has a forecast storage order. This defines the order of preference by which forecasting batteries are calculated.

The ForecastStorageOrder object

A ForecastStorageOrder is an object containing only one key – order – which is an array of string keys identifying each group of heating technologies.

  • order - an array of technology group keys as strings

Get a forecast storage order

Fetches the forecast storage order for a chosen scenario.

GET /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/forecast_storage_order
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID the order belongs to

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
GET /api/v3/scenarios/0/forecast_storage_order HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Example response
"order": [

Update a forecast storage order

Updates the order with the provided JSON body.

You may omit technologies from the order, however note that they will be added in by the API automatically in the default order. For example, if the default order is a,b,c,d, and your request provides an order of c,b, the resulting heat network order will be c,b,a,d.

PUT /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/forecast_storage_order
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID the order belongs to

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint when accessing unowned data but required when accessing data owned by the user.

  • scenarios:write

    Create and update your public and private scenarios

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/0/forecast_storage_order HTTP/2
Accept: application/json

"order": [
Example response
"order": [