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Scenarios inputs describe the values chosen by a user when customising their scenario. Inputs may be used to change the number of households, the balance of energy supply, turn on and off some features of the model, and much more. The ETM contains more than 700 inputs.

The API allows you to retrieve a detailed listing of all the inputs available for a scenario, their minimum and maximum allowed values, units, and other useful information.

Setting inputs for a scenario

For a description of how to set input values for a scenario, see Set sliders in a scenario

The Input object

Endpoints which provide information about inputs will return the following information:

  • default - The initial value of the input in a blank scenario. If the scenario is based on parent scenario, this will be the value of the input in the parent. You can change this by supplying the defaults parameter.
  • disabled - Indicates if the input is disabled; if so, a value may not be set.
  • disabled_by - Appears only when this input would be disabled if another has a value.
  • coupling_groups - Indicates which coupling groups enable the input when activated.
  • disabled_by_couplings - Indicates which coupling groups disable the input when activated.
  • max - The maximum permitted value for the input.
  • min - The minimum permitted value for the input.
  • share_group - Indicates that the input belongs to the named group. All inputs within the group must have a value which sums to 100. This features is frequently used when you need to set the balance of various technologies (such as the proportion of gasoline, diesel, and electric vehicles).
  • unit - Indicates the name of the unit in which values are specified. For example "MJ", "%".
  • user - The value set for the input by a user. Omitted if no value has been set.

Do not rely on the above list being exhaustive: other keys may be present in rare situations, however these are for internal use only.

Mutually-exclusive inputs

While the vast majority of inputs may be used together, a small number are incompatible with one another because they update the same thing, or their updates would conflict in some way. These inputs are called mutually-exclusive.

Mutually-exclusive inputs can be identified through the API by the disabled_by attribute:

"min": 0.0,
"max": 100.0,
"default": 10.0,
"unit": "%",
"disabled_by": ["one", "two"]

In this example, if either the "one" or "two" inputs have a value, the input represented by the JSON will be disabled.

Coupling inputs

Some inputs can be set by other energy models, to overwrite specific sectors with more detailed data. These inputs will have their coupling_groups set to a list of couplings they are part of. If all these couplings are active, the input is activated.

Vice versa some inputs will be disabled when a coupling group is active. These inputs have their disabled_by_couplings set to a list of couplings they will be disabled by when active.

Get all inputs for a scenario

Fetches a list of all inputs available to the scenario

GET /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/inputs
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
GET /api/v3/scenarios/0/inputs HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Example response
"unit": "%",
"share_group": "transport_car_tech"
"unit": "%",
"share_group": "transport_car_tech"
"unit": "%",
"share_group": "transport_car_tech"

Specifying the defaults

When requesting the inputs from a scenario that has a parent scenario, the default values of each input show the value of the parent. If you wish to see the default values of the dataset instead, you can supply the defaults parameter to the request. This parameter has two possible values:

  • parent - this is the standard behaviour of using the values of the parent scenario
  • original - shows the original default values of the dataset instead
GET /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/inputs
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
GET /api/v3/scenarios/0/inputs HTTP/2
Accept: application/json

"defaults": "original"
Example response
"unit": "%",
"share_group": "transport_car_tech"
"unit": "%",
"share_group": "transport_car_tech"
"unit": "%",
"share_group": "transport_car_tech"

Get one input for a scenario

When you only require data for a single input, this endpoint will reduce the amount of data transferred.

GET /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/inputs/{input_key}
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID
  • input_key string
    the name of the input

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
GET /api/v3/scenarios/0/inputs/transport_car_using_diesel_mix_share HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Example response
"min": 0.0,
"max": 100.0,
"default": 24.250388708759342,
"unit": "%",
"share_group": "transport_car_tech"