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Here you can find the basics on creating a scenario through the API, requesting information on touched sliders and setting sliders. For these operations the scenario endpoint is used.

The Scenario object

All scenarios contain the following attributes, which will be part of any response from the scenario endpoint:

  • id - the numeric id of the scenario.
  • area_code - the identifier for the area.
  • start_year - year the scenario starts.
  • end_year - year the scenario ends.
  • url - the url of the API endpoint for this scenario.
  • scaling - object that contains details of custom scaling factors.
  • source - source through which the scenario was created.
  • created_at - date of creation.
  • updated_at - date of last update.
  • keep_compatible - default false, see forward compatibility.
  • esdl_exportable - determines if the scenario can be exported as an ESDL file.
  • coupling - true if a coupling with another model is active.
  • template - the id of the scenario that was used as a template, or null if no template was used.
  • metadata - object that contains custom metadata managed by the user of the scenario.
  • private - boolean that determines if the scenario is private or not.
  • user_values - object that contains the sliders changed by a user:
    • slider_one - the set value for slider_one.
    • slider_two - the set value for slider_two.
    • ...
  • owner - if the scenario was created by an authenticated user, this will be an object containing:
    • id - the user's unique ID number
    • name - the user's name


On the ETM start page you find a list of featured scenarios that were created or commissioned by professional and governmental bodies. Any of these scenarios can be used as a preset.

When using a preset, all attributes and user values as described above are copied to a new scenario. All attached curves and heat- and flexibility orders are also cloned from the preset to the new scenario. The cloning is done only when the scenario using the preset is created. This means that later changes to the preset will not be reflected in the new scenario.

Next to the given list of available presets by the ETM, you may also use your own scenarios as a preset. Also see the create section.


It is highly recommended that you use authentication when working with scenarios. When you create a scenario as an authenticated user it will be linked with your user account. This means that by default:

  • Anyone will be able to read the scenario
  • Only you will be able to change the scenario
  • Only you will be able to delete the scenario

If you prefer your scenario to be private, so that only you can read it, see the documentation on private scenarios. You may also change the default privacy of your scenarios with the "Privacy" setting on your profile page.

Using the API without authentication

If you do not use authentication when creating a scenario, it will be both readable and writable by any other person using the API.

Get information about a scenario

Fetches all the attributes of the given scenario.

GET /api/v3/scenarios/{id}
Path parameters
  • id number
    the ID of the scenario

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
GET /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
Example response
"id": 12345,
"title": "API",
"start_year": 2019,
"end_year": 2050,
"url": "",
"scaling": null,
"source": null,
"template": null,
"created_at": "2021-07-16T09:23:00.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-07-16T09:23:00.000Z",
"esdl_exportable": false,
"coupling": false,
"user_values": {
"buildings_insulation_level": 40.3,
"capacity_of_energy_power_hydro_river": 39.0
"metadata": {
"my_tags": ["high_insulation", "hydro_river"],
"my_identifier": 1010,

Listing your scenarios

When authenticated, you can get a list of all scenarios which belong to you. The list is paginated.

GET /api/v3/scenarios
Path parameters
  • page number
    the page number to fetch
  • limit number
    the number of items per page

This endpoint requires an authentication token with at least the following scopes:

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
GET /api/v3/scenarios HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
Example response
"links": {
"first": "",
"prev": null,
"next": "",
"last": ""
"meta": {
"limit": 25,
"count": 25,
"total": 85,
"current_page": 1,
"total_pages": 4
"data": [
"id": 12345,
"start_year": 2019,
"end_year": 2050,
"url": "",
"scaling": null,
"source": null,
"created_at": "2021-07-16T09:23:00.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-07-16T09:23:00.000Z",
"esdl_exportable": false,
"coupling": false,
// ...

Create a scenario

A scenario can be created in three ways: as a blank scenario for an area and end year, as a new scenario with certain sliders set, or as a scenario based on another scenario (its preset). All creation methods use a POST request on the scenario endpoint, but with different data.

Create a blank scenario

Creates a scenario where all sliders are at their default position. The following data can be supplied:

  • area_code - the code of the desired area, default: 'nl'
  • end_year - end year of the scenario, integer, default: 2050
  • source - identifier for the application creating the scenario (highly recommended), default: null
POST /api/v3/scenarios

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
POST /api/v3/scenarios HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario": {
"area_code": "UKNI01_northern_ireland",
"end_year": "2040"
Example response
"id": 123456,
"start_year": 2018,
"end_year": 2040,
"url": "",
"scaling": null,
"source": null,
"template": null,
"created_at": "2021-07-16T09:23:00.000Z",
"updated_at": "2021-07-16T09:23:00.000Z",
"esdl_exportable": false

Create a scenario with slider settings

User values may also be provided on create in the user_values object.

POST /api/v3/scenarios

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
POST /api/v3/scenarios HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario": {
"area_code": "UKNI01_northern_ireland",
"end_year": "2040"
"user_values": {
"buildings_insulation_level": 40.3,
"capacity_of_energy_power_hydro_river": 39.0
Example response
"id": 123456,
"start_year": 2018,
"end_year": 2040,
"user_values": {
"buildings_insulation_level": 40.3,
"capacity_of_energy_power_hydro_river": 39.0

Create a scenario based on another scenario

Creates a scenario with another scenario as template. The only data that needs to be provided for this action is:

  • scenario_id - the ID of the scenario that is to be used as a preset

If an end year area code are provided next to the scenario ID, these will be ignored in favour of the year and area of the preset.

POST /api/v3/scenarios

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint, but required to access private data.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
POST /api/v3/scenarios HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario": {
"scenario_id": "11111"
Example response
"id": 123456,
"start_year": 2019,
"end_year": 2050,
"url": "",
"template": 11111,
"user_values": {
"buildings_insulation_level": 40.3,
"capacity_of_energy_power_hydro_river": 39.0

Set sliders in a scenario

Available inputs

A list of all available sliders for the scenario, with their min and max values, can be retrieved through the inputs endpoint: GET /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/inputs.

Updates the user values of a scenario with the provided user_values. If you want to reset a slider to its standard value, please supply the "reset" keyword instead of a value.

PUT /api/v3/scenarios/{id}
Path parameters
  • id number
    the ID of the scenario

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint when accessing unowned data but required when accessing data owned by the user.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario": {
"user_values": {
"buildings_insulation_level": 35.7
Example response
"scenario": {
"id": 12345,
"user_values": {
"buildings_insulation_level": 35.7,
"capacity_of_energy_power_hydro_river": 39.0
Balancing groups

Some sliders are grouped in a 'share group' to together sum to 100%. An error will be returned if you try to set all inputs in such a group without making sure the group still makes exactly 100.0.


Updates the scenario metadata with a new metadata object.

The metadata object can contain any custom meta information about the scenario in JSON format up to 64Kb. Examples of user defined metadata can be: custom tags that a user wishes to give to a scenario, internal identifiers (e.g. ID's from scenarios in other energy related models whose information was used in the ETM scenario) or custom descriptions. Please mind that, as the ETM leaves managing this data up to the user, the full metadata object of a scenario will be overwritten when a new metadata object is supplied in the request. Also, when cloning a scenario the metadata will not be cloned to the new scenario.

Both metadata and user_values can be supplied with a request simultaneously.

PUT /api/v3/scenarios/{id}
Path parameters
  • id number
    the ID of the scenario

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint when accessing unowned data but required when accessing data owned by the user.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario": {
"metadata": {
"my_tags": ["high_insulation", "hydro_river"],
"my_identifier": 1010
Example response
"scenario": {
"id": 12345,
"metadata": {
"my_tags": ["high_insulation", "hydro_river"],
"my_identifier": 1010

Best practices

  • A top-level title attribute can be used to name your scenario, with this title being used in select places in the Energy Transition Model.

    "scenario": {
    "metadata": {
    "title": "My scenario"
  • If you are a developer integrating your model with the ETM, consider namespacing your attributes to avoid collisions with those set by other third-party services.

    "scenario": {
    "metadata": {
    "": {
    "id": 1337,
    "tags": ["high-renewability", "hydro"]

Forward compatibility

The ETM is frequently updated with new features and improvements. This sometimes means we rename sliders or change the unit in which they are set; as a result, your scenario risks becoming obsolete as the model changes.

If you need to continue using your scenario long-term, you may set the keep_compatible attribute to true. This will subject your scenario to automatic updates ensuring that it remains compatible with future versions of the model.

For example, if a slider is renamed, we will rename the slider value in your scenario to reflect this change. If it were to be updated from having a percentage value to an absolute capacity value in MW, we will set the new MW value in your scenario such that the energy flows are as close as possible to those in your original scenario.

Keep compatible

Not keeping your scenario compatible with newer model versions can cause the model to break or lead to unforseen outcomes for your scenarios.

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario": {
"keep_compatible": true

Private scenarios

If you are using authentication, your scenarios will be associated with your user account. This prevents others from being able to change or delete your scenario but, by default, other people can still view your scenario. If you wish to change this default, see the "Privacy" setting on your profile page.

To make your scenario private, so that only you can view it, set the private attribute to true:

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario": {
"private": true
Example response
"scenario": {
"id": 12345,
"private": true,

Query a scenario

You can query a scenario using gqueries. These queries make calculations on the graph and return values for the present (start year) and future (end year), as well as the unit used.

PUT /api/v3/scenarios/{id}
Path parameters
  • id number
    the ID of the scenario

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint when accessing unowned data but required when accessing data owned by the user.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"gqueries": [
Example response
"scenario": {
"gqueries": {
"costs_of_insulation": {
"present": 0.0,
"future": 1234567.8,
"unit": "euro"
"costs_of_capital_in_electricity_production": {
"present": 1234567.8,
"future": 2345678.9,
"unit": "euro"

A list of all available gqueries is still being worked on.

Deleting your scenarios

When authenticated, you can delete your scenarios. You cannot delete scenarios belonging to other users, or scenarios which have no owner.

DELETE /api/v3/scenarios/{id}
Path parameters
  • id number
    the ID of the scenario

This endpoint requires an authentication token with at least the following scopes:

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

  • scenarios:delete

    Delete your public and private scenarios

Example request
DELETE /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

Scenario couplings

When your scenario is coupled to another energy model, certain inputs of you scenario are overwritten by this other model. When inspecting your scenario the coupling attribute will indicate whether your scenario was coupled.

It is possible to remove the coupling to the other model by setting coupling to false. This means that the inputs set by the other model will be erased. This action is irreversible.

PUT /api/v3/scenarios/{id}
Path parameters
  • id number
    the ID of the scenario

An authentication token is optional for this endpoint when accessing unowned data but required when accessing data owned by the user.

  • scenarios:read

    Read your public and private scenarios

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/12345 HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"coupling": false
Example response
"scenario": {
"id": 12345,
"coupling": false,