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Scenario Users

Users can be given access to either individual scenarios, or to saved scenarios and all their underlying scenarios. There are three different roles

The user object

The user object consist of the following two fields:

  • name - The username of the user, when the user is registered to the energy transition model. OR
  • email - If the user is not yet registered to the energy transition model.
  • role - The role the user has within the scenario.

There are three different types of roles, a detailed description can be found here.

  • scenario_owner - An owner of the scenario, can add other users and has all rights (read/write/destroy).
  • scenario_collaborator - A collaborator to the scenario, has rights to read and update the scenario.
  • scenario_viewer - A user that can view the contents of the scenario, even if it is marked as private.

Batch requests

All user actions can be done in batches: adding or changing multiple users in one request. The response will contain a json of successfully processed users. When one of the users fails, the response will be 422 and contain the following:

  • success - The users that were successful.
  • errors - The users that were not successful.

Get the users for a scenario

Only a scenario owner can access this information. Sending a GET request for the users coupled to a scenario:

GET /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/users
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID

This endpoint requires an authentication token with at least the following scopes:

  • scenarios:delete

    Delete your public and private scenarios

Example request
GET /api/v3/scenarios/0/users HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
Example response

"user_id": 1,
"name": "David",
"role": "scenario_collaborator"
"user_id": 20,
"name": "Emma",
"role": "scenario_owner"

Add a user to a scenario

It is possible to add multiple users to the scenario at once. When one of the creations fails, the response returns an Sending a POST request for a version tag:

POST /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/version
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID
  • description string
    a short description of the tagged version

This endpoint requires an authentication token with at least the following scopes:

  • scenarios:delete

    Delete your public and private scenarios

Example request
POST /api/v3/scenarios/0/users HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario_users": [
"user_email": "",
"role": "scenario_collaborator"

Example response
"user_id": 2,
"name": "John",
"role": "scenario_collaborator"

Update a users role

To change their role the user has to be identified by either: their user_id, their coupling id id, or their email user_email. Sending a PUT request for coupled users.

PUT /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/version
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID
  • description string
    a short description of the tagged version

This endpoint requires an authentication token with at least the following scopes:

  • scenarios:delete

    Delete your public and private scenarios

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/0/users HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario_users": [
"user_email": "",
"role": "scenario_viewer"

Example response
"user_id": 2,
"name": "John",
"role": "scenario_viewer"

Remove a user from a scenario

To remove a user, the user has to be identified by either: their user_id, their coupling id id, or their email user_email. Sending a DESTROY request for coupled users.

PUT /api/v3/scenarios/{scenario_id}/version
Path parameters
  • scenario_id number
    the scenario ID
  • description string
    a short description of the tagged version

This endpoint requires an authentication token with at least the following scopes:

  • scenarios:delete

    Delete your public and private scenarios

Example request
PUT /api/v3/scenarios/0/users HTTP/2
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN

"scenario_users": [
"user_email": "",

Example response
"user_id": 2,
"name": "John",
"role": "scenario_viewer"