Costs (dashboard)
This page explains the six main groups that comprise the total annual costs displayed on your dashboard in the ETM. Also it shows the subgroups shown in the chart 'Detailed cost overview'. For more details on the scope see 'overview per sector' and for more insight in the method (CAPEX + OPEX)see 'cost methods'.
Main cost groups:
- Buildings and installations: Building and installation-related costs (CAPEX + OPEX) of sectors. Subgroups:
- Households
- Buildings
- Transport
- Industry
- Agriculture
- Energy Production: Installation-related costs (CAPEX + OPEX) of the energy production sector. Subgroups:
- Power plants
- CHP plants (including the industrial steam network)
- Heat plants
- Dedicated hydrogen production
- Biomass treatment
- Other intallations (synthetic kerosine, regasification of lng, and energy compressors for network gas)
- Infrastructure: CAPEX + OPEX of the energy infrastructure. Subgroups:
- Gas network (natural gas and green gas)
- Heat network
- Hydrogen network
- Electricity network
- Storage and conversion: Installation-related costs (CAPEX + OPEX). All G2P is associated with means of 'Energy production'. Subgroups:
- Power-to-power (p2p)
- Power-to-gas (p2g), onshore and offshore
- Power-to-heat (p2h)
- Storage (of hydrogen and heat)
Energy carriers and import: All net primary demand of energy carriers.
Cost of carrier = (extraction + import - export) * price of carrier
For export the ETM charges the costs of the primary carrier that is needed for that export. The export of electricity and transit of oil is cost neutral and independent of the market price. A country does not "earn" money from processing oil. And for electricity the ETM deducts the costs of the primary carriers needed to produce that electricity.
Carbon capture, sequestration and utilisation (CCSU): CAPEX + OPEX of all CCUS technologies, including CO2 costs.