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Overview of costs per sector

Below you can find an overview of the different cost components that are taken into account by the ETM per sector. You can use this to gain a better understanding of the cost calculations in the ETM and cost results in your scenario. For more information about CAPEX and OPEX, see Cost methods.

Buildings and installations (ex fuel and CCUS)


SubjectCost components
Space heating & hot water technologiesCAPEX and OPEX
Cooling technologiesCAPEX and OPEX
Heat delivery systemCAPEX and OPEX
InsulationCAPEX (special module)
Solar PV & solar thermalCAPEX and OPEX
Appliances, cooking and lightingNo costs


SubjectCost components
Space heating technologiesCAPEX and OPEX
Cooling technologiesCAPEX and OPEX
Heat delivery systemCAPEX and OPEX
InsulationCAPEX (special module)
Solar PV & solar thermalCAPEX and OPEX
Appliances, lightingNo costs


SubjectCost components
All vehiclesNo costs
Electric cars and hydrogen cars(Optional) additional investment costs


SubjectCost components
Heating technologiesCAPEX and OPEX
AppliancesNo costs


SubjectCost components
Heating technologiesCAPEX and OPEX
AppliancesNo costs
FeedstockNo costs

Storage and conversion (ex fuel and CCUS)

SubjectCost components
Power-to-power (p2p)CAPEX and OPEX of houshold batteries, EV batteries, grid batteries, OPAC and pumped storage
Power-to-gas (p2g)CAPEX and OPEX of onshore and offshore electrolysers
Power-to-heat (p2h)CAPEX and OPEX of industrial p2h boilers
StorageCAPEX and OPEX of hydrogen and heat

Energy Infrastructure (ex fuel and CCUS)

SubjectCost components
ElectricityCAPEX and OPEX per grid level (HV/MV/LV). Including off-shore grid, interconnection and transformers. (special module)
District heatingCAPEX and OPEX. Distinction between indoor costs, primary and secondary distribution pipelines, exchanger stations and storage costs (per MWh stored). (special module)
HydrogenCosts per transported MWh
Natural gasFixed amount of annualised infrastructure cost. This amount is area dependent but does not vary with gas demand in a scenario

Energy production (ex fuel and CCUS)

SubjectCost components
ElectricityFor each installed power plant, the ETM takes into account investment, CAPEX an OPEX. For imports, a price (curve) can be set in the model. The electricity price per hour follows from the Merit Order calculation
HeatFor each heater, the ETM takes into account CAPEX an OPEX.
HydrogenFor each installed hydrogen plant, the ETM takes into account CAPEX an OPEX.

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS)

SubjectCost components
Capture of CO2 in industryCAPEX and OPEX
Capture of CO2 in energy sectorCAPEX and OPEX
Direct Air Capture of CO2CAPEX and OPEX
Sequestration of CO2CAPEX and OPEX
Utilisation of captured CO2 (production of synthetic methanol and kerosene)CAPEX and OPEX
CO2 infrastructureCAPEX and OPEX

Energy carriers and import:

SubjectCost components
All carriersAll net primary demand of energy carriers. The carrier costs for export are is subtracted from the import costs. For example if gasoline (made in the country) is exported the necessary imported crude oil costs are subtracted from the total crude oil import.