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Greenhouse gas emissions

The ETM calculates the amount of CO2 that is emitted as a result of energy use. Apart from CO2 emissions there are also other non-energetic sources which lead to the emission of CO2 as well as other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These ‘other emissions’ are separated into the following groups within the ETM:

  • CO2-emissions of non-energetic activities, such as the use of feedstock in industry
  • Other greenhouse gas emissions which are emitted as a result of energy use, such as methane (CH4) or nitrous oxide (N2O)
  • Other greenhouse gas emissions from non-energetic activities, such as methane emissions from manure in agriculture

You can adjust these greenhouse gas emission in the Emissions > Greenhouse gases section in the ETM. This page further explains how these ‘other emissions’ are defined within the ETM.

Types of greenhouse gases

Apart from CO2 there are many other greenhouse gases (GHG) that are important to consider when trying to decelerate climate change. The following greenhouse gases were taken into account for the calculation of other greenhouse gases (GHG):

  • methane (CH4);
  • nitrous oxide (N2O);
  • hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs);
  • perfluorocarbons (PFCs);
  • sulphur hexafluoride (SF6); and
  • nitrogen trifluoride (NF3)

Emission categories per slider

In the Emissions > Greenhouse gases section in the ETM you can adjust the future emissions of non-energetic CO2 and other greenhouse gases using slider.

Every slider corresponds with a (set of) categories defined by the UNFCCC, which are also used by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Categories that were not included within the calculation of emissions are ‘category 4. Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (‘LULUCF’)’ and ‘category 6. Other Sector’. All CO2-emissions from ‘Catgory 1. Energy’ as well as the production of fertilizer (ammonia) described in ‘category 2.B.1’ are derived by the ETM based on energy demand and supply. Therefore these categories are not included as sliders in the Emissions section of the model but rather a result of the choices you make in the Demand and Supply sections.

Checkout: The main principles and emission factors pages provide more information on how energetic CO2-emissions are calculated in the ETM

Below you can find a table with all sliders and corresponding categories and explanation.

Built Environment

Energetic emissions (Other GHG)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameExplanation
Households1.A.4.bResidentialIncludes the energetic greenhouse gas emissions of households, except energetic CO2.
Buildings1.A.4.aCommercial/InstitutionalIncludes the energetic greenhouse gas emissions of commercial or institutional buildings, except energetic CO2.
1.A.5Other Other SectorsIncludes the energetic greenhouse gas emissions of all other buildings in other sectors (stationary & mobile), except energetic CO2.


Energetic emissions (Other GHG)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameExplanation
Transport1.A.3TransportIncludes all energetic greenhouse gas emissions of the transport sector, except energetic CO2.

Industry and Energy

Non-energetic emissions (CO2)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Chemical industry2.B.2Nitric Acid ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Nitric acid is mainly used as a constituent for the production of fertilizer.
2.B.3Adipic Acid ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Adipic Acid is mainly used as a constituent for the production of nylon (a type of plastic).
2.B.4Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Caprolactam, Glyoxal and Glyoxylic Acid are all used as constituents for a wide variety of products.
2.B.5Carbide ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Carbide is a carbon and metal compound used to coat metal.
2.B.6Titanium Dioxide ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Titanium dioxide is used as a white pigment for a wide range of products such as paint or sunscreen.
2.B.7Soda Ash ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Sodium carbonate is produced from sodium chloride or limestone and used for the production of glass, as an acidity regulator in water or food and many other products.
2.B.8Petrochemical and Carbon Black ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Carbon black is a black pigment made by the combustion of petroleum products and used in plastics and paints or as a filler in tires.
2.B.9Fluorochemical ProductionIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Fluorine chemicals produces from fluorite are used for iron smelting or the production of organofluorides and cryolites.
2.B.10Other chemical industryIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. This category comprises all other chemical processes not included in 2.B.1 – 2.B.9.
Waste Management5Waste ManagementIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. This comprises all types of waste management including waste incineration and sewage.
Other Industry2.AMineral IndustryIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. This includes all types of mineral industry including cement, lime and glass production.
2.CMetal IndustryIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Contains all types of metal production including iron, steel, aluminum and lead.
2.DNon-energy Products from Fuels and Solvent UseIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. The use of fossil fuels as a product for primary purposes other than combustion, feedstock or reducing agent.
2.EElectronics IndustryIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Production of all different types of electronics.
2.FProduct Uses as Substitutes for ODSIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. The use of HFC, PFC and SF6 as a substitute for ozone depleting substances (ODS) in a wide range of products.
2.GOther Product Manufacture and UseIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. All other production of products.
2.HOther Industrial Process and Product UseIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. All other industrial activities that produce gases during production not as a result of energy consumption.

Non-energetic emissions (other GHG)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Chemical industry2.BChemical IndustryIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All chemical processes, this time including the production of ammonia/fertilizer.
Waste Managemen5Waste ManagementIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All types of waste management including waste incineration and sewage.
Other Industry2.AMineral IndustryIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All types of mineral industry including cement, lime and glass production.
2.CMetal IndustryIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. Contains all types of metal production including iron, steel, aluminum and lead.
2.DNon-energy Products from Fuels and Solvent UseIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. The use of fossil fuels as a product for primary purposes other than combustion, feedstock or reducing agent.
2.EElectronics IndustryIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. Production of all different types of electronics.
2.FProduct Uses as Substitutes for ODSIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. The use of HFC, PFC and SF6 as a substitute for ozone depleting substances (ODS) in a wide range of products.
2.GOther Product Manufacture and UseIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All other types of product manufacturing.
2.HOther Industrial Process and Product UseIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All other industrial activities producing emissions but not as a result of energy consumption.

Energetic emissions (Other GHG)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Industry1.A.2Manufacturing Industries and ConstructionIncludes all energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All industrial processes including the production of iron, steel, chemicals, metals, paper and food.
Energy sector1.A.1Energy IndustriesIncludes all energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. Production of electricity and heat, refining of petroleum and manufacturing of fuels.
1.BFugitive Emissions from FuelsIncludes all energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. Leaks or other irregular releases of emissions from fuels such as oil and gas.


Non-energetic emissions (CO2)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Manure3.BManure ManagementIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. All manure management from cattle, sheep, swine or other livestock.
3.HUrea ApplicationIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. The application of urea as fertilizer or feed supplement.
3.IOther Carbon-containing FertilizersIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. The application of other carbon-containing fertilizers.
Soil cultivation3.CRice CultivationIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. The cultivation and production of rice.
3.DAgricultural SoilsIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Direct and indirect N2O emissions from managed soils.
3.EPrescribed Burning of SavannasIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. Rotational burning of trees and shrubs to maintain more open habitat conditions
3.GLimingIncludes all non-energetic CO2 emissions in this category. The application of lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility of soil.

Non-energetic emissions (other GHG)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Manure3.BManure ManagementIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All manure management from cattle, sheep, swine or other livestock.
3.HUrea ApplicationThe application of urea as fertilizer or feed supplement.
3.IOther Carbon-containing FertilizersIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. The application of other carbon-containing fertilizers.
Soil cultivation3.CRice CultivationIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. The cultivation and production of rice.
3.DAgricultural SoilsIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. Direct and indirect N2O emissions from managed soils.
3.EPrescribed Burning of SavannasIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. Rotational burning of trees and shrubs to maintain more open habitat conditions.
3.GLimingIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. The application of lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility of soil.
Fermentation3.AEnteric FermentationIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. The emissions from food digestive processes in livestock.
Other activities3.FField Burning of Agricultural ResiduesIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. The burning of leftover crop to rapidly clear land and allow tillage practices to proceed.
3.JOther agriculture emissionsIncludes all non-energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. All other agricultural emissions not included in 3.A - 3.H.

Energetic emissions (Other GHG)

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Agriculture1.A.4.cAgriculture/Forestry/FishingIncludes all energetic greenhouse gas emissions in this category, except CO2. Emissions as a result of energy use (lighting, heating, transport, machinery, etc.) in agriculture, forestry and fishing.

Indirect emissions

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Indirect emissionsind_CO2Indirect CO2Indirect CO2 emissions are a product of the atmospheric oxidation of CH4, CO and NMVOC (Non-Methane Volatile organic compounds) which are mainly released in industrial processes but also in agriculture, households and a wide range of other sectors.

Delayed emissions

ETM sliderUNFCCC categoryCategory nameDescription
Delayed emitted & indefinitely delayedN/A (not part of UNFCCC categories)Delayed CO2Delayed CO2 emissions occur when captured CO2 for 'Other utilisation' in the Emissions > CCUS section is released at a later moment in time. Whether the emissions are assumed to emitted in the same year or delayed indefinitely depends on the type of 'Other utilisation' and can be adjusted in the Emissions > Greenhouse gases section.