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Scenario management

This page lets you change settings for a saved scenario, such as whether it is publicly visible or not, its name and description and who has access to it. The following actions can be taken:

  • Changing the visibility of your saved scenario is done by click the button with the eye logo. By default this is set to 'Public', but can be changed to 'Private'. Setting your scenario to private means only you or other users that have acces to your scenario will be able to view the scenario.
  • Clicking the options button will show a menu with several options:
    • Open energy mix infographic: Opens a 'poster'-like page displaying the highlights of your scenario's supply, demand and some statistics thereof.
    • Edit title and description: Allows you to change the title and description for your saved scenario.
    • Manage access: Allows you to manage which users have access to your saved scenario. When clicked, it takes you to the page for managing access.
    • Show version history: Gives an overview of the different scenario versions that have been saved (see version history documentation).
    • Move to Trash: Moves the saved scenario to the trash bin.
  • Share your scenario with others through the link provided under copy link. Depending on the permissions of other users (as specified in the manage access page), users with this link can view, edit or even manage this scenario.