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Version history

As an option in the management page of a saved scenario, it is possible to see the version history of your scenario. An overview is provided of older versions and the person that last made changes to the scenario version is indicated (useful when there are multiple users of the scenario), together with information on when the last change is is made to a scenario version. The most recent version is depicted on top and the oldest version at the bottom of the page.

The following actions can be taken in the version history overview:

  • Open a specific scenario version: If you want to open a specific scenario, click on the name of the person indicated to be the last one that made changes to the scenario (the text turns blue when you hover on it).
  • Edit the description of a scenario version: Click on the pencil incon on the right to make changes to the description of a specific version.
  • Restore an older scenario version: You can restore your scenario to an older version. This means that applied changes after this scenario version will be lost. This action is irreversible. A warning pop-up will appear as an extra precaution for this action.

Roles and rights

Depending on the user's role in a particular scenario (Viewer, Collaborator or Owner, also see manage acces for more information on these roles), it is possible to perform the above-mentioned actions. The following table shows which actions concerning scenario version history can be performed per role:

Open a specific scenario version
Edit description of a scenario version
Restore an older scenario version
  • Viewer: A viewer cannot see the version history of a scenario. A viewer can only open the most recent version of a scenario.
  • Collaborator: Can open older scenario versions and edit the description of scenario versions.
  • Owner: In addition to the rights of a collaborator, the owner can restore older scenario versions.